Things in my life are actually going fairly well at the moment, despite how hyperbolic I can be about ongoing problems I think I’m on a fairly steady upward trajectory.
In the past 12 months I’ve:
- Stopped drinking entirely, coming up on 9 months continuous sobriety, with a previous 3 months of drinking once in the month.
- Lost a ton of weight, mostly as a result of not drinking
- Went on more dates and did more socialising than I had in the previous 5 years combined.
- Read some very good books
- Got into writing in a big way
- Picked up some new, rewarding hobbies and stuck with them
- Completely stopped looking at image boards, left a number of toxic IRC channels and other spaces, generally cleaned up my internet use
We’re at the mid point of the year now and I’m looking around at where I am and taking stock, there are a lot of things I still don’t really like about myself and my life, and I’d like to address some of them, not all of them, I think some of them are not really things that can be fixed right now, but I’d like to look at the ones I can do something about. that means:
Making some significant changes to the structure of my life
I feel like I spend 90% of my free time on my least interesting interests, purely because they’re the easiest things to pursue.
I have a ton of things I want to get deeper into, books to read, things to write, routes to run, mountains to climb, meals to cook, but I spend most of my time watching and reading internet slop, mindless cow feed.
I would like to make a real attempt to change that. Stopping drinking was a good start and a necessary first step to be able to do this, now to address the structural issues preventing it happening.
Some enabling actions for the above
- Decenter the computer in my life; probably mothball my desktop for a while, put my laptop in a bag when not in use, find a space for it where it’s easy to reach but not in direct sight
- Get rid of or castrate the smartphone, however I do that
- Create a comfy reading and working environment, instead of the cramped, grubby desk I do most things at currently
- Spend less time at home and more time in a third space (Public library/quieter coffee shop/local park etc. etc.)
Some other things I want to do:
- I currently lurk twitter because I fooled myself into thinking I could just look at the one or two accounts I like for actually interesting content, but its shit and corrosive and designed to destroy your free time, so like image boards its got to go.
- Currently weaning down and trying to find alternative sources for the small amount of positive stuff I actually do get out of it, mostly recommendations for interesting books/games/music, if you have any recommendations in this regard send me them and I’ll bookmark them
Stop looking at porn entirely
- By porn I mean media that is primarily or solely designed to be sexually stimulating with any other purpose or artistic merit being at best a definitively secondary consideration
- I’m not anti sex, or anti masturbation, I’m not a prude either, I just find porn kind of gross and degrading, and the more I think about it the more uncomfortable it makes me feel
- I’m not sure I believe that its impossible to interact with porn in a healthy manner, and I don’t believe all forms of pornography are inherently exploitative, but I am very ambivalent about my relationship with it
- I think even if a healthy relationship with pornography is possible its very uncommon and most people including myself would be better off not engaging with it at all
Do at least one practical electronics project
Get serious about marathon training