My Contact Details
I am happy to receive encrypted and unencrypted mail.
My PGP key is publicly discoverable, or you can get it by clicking: PGP KEY
PGP Fingerprint: F31F 45E9 7876 3095 B45D 06B8 2E84 8558 5348 326C
Places where I’m active:
- Basement community A cozy little basement for internet night owls
- 32 Bit Cafe A comfy forum celebrating small websites and generally a nice place to hang out
I do not maintain consistent handles or profile pictures across communities.
If you’re aware of other interesting web communities please do contact me about them and I’ll take a look.
Webrings and Cool Stuff
Being in a webring does not mean that I endorse any of the contents of other sites on the ring.
Webrings I’m a part of: