Hello World, You're on Fire

Aug 8, 2023

Mood: Tired, Recovering

Listening: Hidden Agenda – Drum & Bass #1

This site is more or less together now, save a few minor pages, I want to do some bits and pieces in CSS and tweak some stuff before going live, but overall I’m happy with the progress.

Graphic design is not my passion, lets be honest here, the site looks crude, but so long as it isn’t hideous and everything works I’m happy, for now.

Minor life shit: My car needs 4 new tyres, I can’t find an apartment I can afford that isn’t full of mould, my colleague sounds like he’s fucking his food when he eats, which is 10 times a day, and like he’s having some combination orgasm/stroke when he isn’t, and I have no idea what to do about it other than starting to scream at him, they made accommodations for me, moved him out of our room, but then he took it upon himself to find any reason to come back in, he was supposed to be gone by now back to wherever he came from, but he’s still fucking here, and still fucking eating.

I had a meltdown yesterday, sat in a field for four hours to calm down before going home, exhausted now.
