Showing this Website to People

Sep 23, 2024

Mood: Pretty Good

Listening: Grayshadow Ruins

So, after a year of picking this site up and down, futzing with baby’s first HTML and CSS, getting frustrated at trivial issues but REFUSING to read documentation that would explain how to avoid them, learning how to use Hugo, going through three hosting providers, learning how to configure an email server only to realise I wouldn’t need it, losing content to bad backups, and writing many, many crappy articles some of which are live on this site right now, I’m actually starting to show people my website.

I’m not sure if I should be to be honest, I hadn’t noticed but on review all of my content has been rather negative so far, I do find joy in things, I have things in my life that are good, but for some reason when I sit down to write the only things that come out are the bad ones.

So that’s the next task, writing some stuff about things I actually like, things that make life worth living.

Some good stuff has been happening in the last few weeks, I have resolved myself to quitting my current job, I feel a weight off of my shoulders.

I’ve started playing D&D, and I’m in a really fun campaign with a nice group of people, I’ve picked up a combat sport, and I’m getting to do some more serious sailing and hiking soon. All of these things are good, all of these things wouldn’t have been doable for me even a year ago.

I’m tired of concentrating on negative stuff all the time, it stops now.
