Mood: Goodish, Kind of Angry
Listening: Rave Shit iii
Feeling much better this week, weekend did me good, little trip down to the big smoke, then out for a few hours in the hills.
My laptop is very definitely on its last legs now, the hunt begins for a new one. I’m writing this after hours at work because sitting in my office is preferable to trying to get anything done at home, less distractions.
I was up all night reading about prenatal testing for Down Syndrome, Eugenics by the backdoor, eventually they will develop a test for people like me and start flushing us too. It’s one thing to not want to have a child, but to want one, but not if it’s the wrong kind, is something I can’t grasp.
Thinking about eugenics eventually graduated to thinking for hours about consciousness and how its really an emergent property rather than anything innate, might write something about it.
Feel like a fucking sim writing out my moods like this.